Monthly Archives: March 2014

Hey Little Fighter

Hey little fighter, things will soon be brighter.

Stormy End, Sunrise Avenue

Hey little fighter...

I’m going to apply this quote to my previous post. I’m just gonna keep on truckin’ til things get better.

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So much time

This is going to sound weird, but I have a lot of time on my hands at my new job. It’s crazy isn’t it? I don’t know what quite to do with all this free time. I find that after I finish my to-do list; I spend most of my time reading the news and actually discovering new news sites to read: mainly slate and the daily beast. Sometimes, I revel in working the desk because I actually do stuff. However, today at the desk tried my patience real hard. I blame most of it on being grumpy hungry or hangry. I truly wonder what my colleagues are doing at their desk. Some of them are in charge of time consuming tasks and I sometimes envy that. The most time consuming thing I had to do was to create a new manual and that in itself was not very difficult. All I had to do was copy and paste some words and create handouts which also did not take me very long. I imagine once I am more involved in programming or once I overcome my anxiety of it, I’ll be more likely to be busy? I certainly hope so.

It makes wonder if I should take part in other committees to use up my time. I try teaching myself things, but what’s the point if I’m not going to use them? I am hoping this is not me being disenchanted with my new line of work already. I find that I am trying to challenge myself, but some days I am just not that into it. I want to help people, but it just seems like I am just sitting in my cubicle trying to fill my time with useful things to do.

Hopefully, it’ll get better.

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When you believ…

When you believe you are worth something, the universe moves

I don’t know who said it, but I saw this quote a couple days ago and it resonated with me. For a while, life seemed kind of down in the dumps in terms of money and finding a job. I got the job and now I make more money, however, I just thought I was lucky in getting a job so soon after I graduated with so little experience. But, along the way, I realized they saw some kinda of potential in me and I started feeling more valuable and actually worth something. Dave also helped me with that. He’s my source of pick me up and unconditional love. He really does make me feel worthwhile and I noticed he’s been laying it on kind of thick. I guess after those moments I started looking at myself in a more positive way, and things started looking on the up and up,

I guess what I’m trying to say is that when I started to believe in myself, the universe moved with me.

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March 4, 2014 · 3:15 pm

Update Update Update

It’s time! Time for another update I mean. I’ve been slacking AGAIN. But here we go, back in December I completed my Masters in Library and Information Studies from Florida State University. WOOT! All done. No more horrible group work, no more annoying online crap, now onto paying my bills. HA. Not. I didn’t walk as I saw that to be completely pointless and I didn’t want to go to Tallahassee for it. The last couple semesters were pretty much torture for me as I was so over school and wanted to find a better paying job. Which leads me to the next part of my update…

I got a job! Like a real paying, not working late at night, a regular 9-5, full time LIBRARIAN job. YES! So soon after I graduated? I know. I couldn’t believe it. I chalk up a lot if not all of it to luck. It just had to be the right time and right place. A week before my 6mo probation popped up, the full time librarian position became available. I expected this to be a learning experience. Go through the process, the assessments, if I was lucky enough, the interview. It was all wham-bam-thank you-ma’am. Within about 1.5 month I received the offer and started promptly two weeks later. Thank my lucky stars, as I wasn’t going to get a loan to help pay the bills; but had now acquired a full time paying job. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not like I’m a rich bitch where I’m making it rain. I’ve been trying to be the responsible adult and catch up on bills, save money for upcoming trips, and saving up for another event. Which leads up to the last little ditty in my update…

I’m engaged! Yeah, you heard that right. Dave asked me to marry him on Christmas Eve. I’ve been telling everyone it happened Christmas day so I don’t have to explain too much. We had to go travelling the next day, so we he didn’t want me to feel rushed. Safe to say, I said yes and I am completely in love with the ring and of course Dave. 😉 I’ll probably start planning sometime after April as we have three weddings to attend and I hope I’ll get some ideas then. The details I’ve figure out is to have it sometime in the Fall in 2015. I think September or October is a safe bet. As of right now, I’m doing research on budgeting, planning, venues, and colors. The only colors I came up with are grey, green, maybe brown, and some light purples. Obviously I need to trim that down a bit, but it’s just too hard and time consuming.

I’ll try to update more as I have more time on my hands. It is a good amount of sitting and being on the computer.

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